The regulars of a bar in Hell share their pain, suffering, and what little humanity they have left.

About US
In the end, it turns out that everyone -- saints and sinners alike -- goes to Hell… to face punishments from the lives they’ve lived. Nobody knows why. It’s just the way it is. You learn pretty quickly to stop asking questions.
For Brendan — a TV loving slacker — perdition means tending bar inside of a sitcom that he can’t escape. Forever.
His only salvation is in the company of his bar regulars: a misfit mashup of humans and hellspawn, who come to commiserate, laugh, and drink into oblivion… in between hellish obligations of their own.
Welcome to This Side of Hell.
Brendan and Omata met as undergrads at the Purchase Film Conservatory in 2007, and have been co-conspirators ever since. Together, the shorts that they’ve made have garnered praise at nationwide film festivals, and the commercial work they’ve produced has ranged from brands like Macy’s to TimeWarner.
This Side of Hell marks their animation debut.